Mein Schöner Premium-Rasen "dry" No. 30 (lawn seed mix)
- Suitable for new planting and reseeding (depending on conditions)
- Suitable for (full) sun and partial shade
- Colour: dark green
- Recommended mowing height: 18 - 50 mm
- Extremely drought-resistant due to deep roots
- Suitable for robot use
- Low to moderate maintenance
- Mantelsaat® ️Vital for optimal germination
- Sowing density: 35 g/m².
This dry lawn variety is becoming increasingly important because the grasses offer an excellent option for long dry periods and sometimes extreme temperatures in summer. Especially with limited irrigation, the high proportion of tall fescue is a great solution to withstand the stress of drought periods. This type of lawn can root particularly deeply and tap into additional water reserves in the soil. Tall fescue needs a bit more time to become established, but then it is a reliable partner in the mix, surviving longer even under extreme conditions and providing dense, green grass cover. The varieties ROCKWELL and SC 1 are new breeds that influence the typical appearance of this lawn, offering a distinctive contrast to the delicate structure of an ornamental lawn dominated by red fescue. All in all, this is a modern lawn that tolerates the climatic changes we are experiencing in this part of the world and ensures you don't have to give up on lush green surroundings, even in extreme situations.
- 10% ryegrass (Lolium perenne) CORSICA
- 20% smooth meadow-grass (Poa pratensis) BROOKLAWN
- 70% tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) ROCKWELL / SC 1
Festuca arundinacea ROCKWELL / SC 1 are two very drought-tolerant, robust varieties with all the best features of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea). Tall fescue has particularly deep roots and thus has access to water in deeper soil layers that cannot be reached by other grasses. Even during longer dry periods, this mixture retains its dark green colour.