Mushrooms in the lawn - fighting and prevention

A mushroom infestation of the lawn does not constitute a great danger to the green, but many gardener about the growth of the troublemakery are not very pleased with an infestation usually comes about by simple nursing mistakes, for example by false fertilization. Subsequent tips can help to fight fungi and prevent the emergence of it.

Various mushroom species in the lawn

It is roughly different between the formation of hut mushrooms and fungal diseases in the lawn. Hut mushrooms prefer a humid air conditioning and therefore sprout up the ground primarily in late summer until autumn. Growth is usually quite jumped overnight. For the lawn, they are not a big threat, he survives the mushroom infestation easily. More problematic are various fungal diseases that have quite the potential to destroy larger surfaces of the lawn. Due to the weather conditions, a fungal infestation usually disappears by itself with the time.

Caution: Even hut fungi can cause harmful damage. Namely, when so-called witch rings form. A witch ring is the circular formations of hut mushrooms. Untreated the witch ring extends over time and leads to discoloration or dryness in the lawn.

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Causes of the emergence of mushrooms

Mushrooms then sprout out of the lawn when the floor is very nutrient arm or a permanently high moisture. Also a matted lawn is prone to an infestation. The causes of the growth of fungi is therefore not only in weather conditions, but mostly in an improper lawn care. The following errors can be observed frequently:

Too high moisture

The basis for the formation of fungal diseases or fruit bodies on the surface is basically too high humidity. Mushrooms feel particularly well in a permanently wet ground. Feuchtwarme weather conditions in late summer until autumn are therefore conducive to the emergence of a fungal infestation. Under trees and shrubs, moisture is likelihood, so there is an increased risk for an infestation here.

Regarding lawn care, regular water is important for a full green, but the lawn takes the possibility to dry. Irrigation should be predominantly take place early in the morning, so that the lawn can smooth over the day.

False fertilizer

A regular fertilization of the soil is necessary to ensure a rich growth of the lawn. A healthy lawn looks better and has the necessary resistance to various fungal diseases. In fertilizing, however, a crucial principle applies: much does not help much. It will be fertilized at best two times a year. Once in spring and once in autumn. But beware: An on nitrogen-containing fertilizer in autumn leads rapidly to snow shoulder in winter.

Surgization of the soil

There is a bad pH in the ground despite good care and fertilization, promotes the emergence of a fungal infestation. A good pH is between 5.5 and 7.5. If the floor is acidified, it is necessary to lime the lawn. How much lime is necessary depends on how acid the ground is. At a pH of 5 usually already 200 grams of lime per square meter.


Fighting fungal diseases effectively

Many fungal diseases are due to weather conditions and evaporate after some time by themselves. Even short dry periods are enough to displace turf or slime fungi. In itself, fungal diseases can be combated through usual care measures. This includes the right water Fertilize and regular aerification:


So that the lawn remains resilient, a fertilization is recommended in the spring and late summer. In autumn, potassium-concrete fertilizer is useful to prevent snow shoulder.


On the one hand, the lawn requires enough water for healthy growth, on the other hand, the risk of fungal infestation increases with too high humidity. Be blown up should therefore only during the dry phases in the midsummer during the early morning hours, so that the floor can dry over the day.


So not Staggering can accumulate the regular Aerify of the lawn. The use is a special aerifier, which perforates the floor at regular intervals. Thus, an improved gas exchange of the soil is accomplished, ensuring improved growth of the lawn and prevents bursts. How often and intense the lawn should be aerified depends on the nature of the soil.

Sand lawn

Sand the lawnOur tips on the lawn Belongs to the normal care of the lawn and ensures a balanced water balance. It loosens to dense lawn and thus creates a drainage for protection against booming.


Fighting hut fungi

Unlike fungal diseases, hat fungus are annoying, but they only disturb the optics of the lawn. Often they spontaneously sprout up the ground overnight and usually disappear from themselves. Whoever feels disturbed by hut fungi, can grab the following means:

Damage of mycelium

Only the fruiting body is visible on the surface. The actual majority of the fungus, mycelium, is located underground. If the mycelium takes greater damage, for example by piercing in the earth with a grave fork, it may sometimes be dying or the formation of fruit bodies on the surface. The use of fungicides is rather counterproductive, as the lawn and other garden plants can cause damage.

Exchange of the earth

If the mushroom infestation is massive or the lawn is unavoidable, the exchange of the entire earth can be worthwhile. The mycelium is not very deep in the earth, so that the exchange of the top 30 centimeters is completely sufficient. A subsequent sowing of high quality lawn is recommended.

Withdrawal of food

In order to prevent the formation of hut mushrooms, a regular preview is required. Due to the removal of lawn felt, the myzel is robbed its food basis and prevents the formation of fruit bodies. Regularly vertically and a meaning with quartz sand are also helpful.